How to protect your mobile phone from theft

With the increasing pace of technology in the modern world, especially mobile phones, becoming more expensive, fancier, and popular, phone theft is something that takes place very commonly these days. The only reason for this happening is a myriad of the black market for such products spread all around the world. Walking out with a mobile phone in your pocket is parallel to walking with an amount of something around $300 with you. Mobile phone snatching or theft is one of the peak crimes lately and here are some full-proof tips you need to follow to be in a safe place.
- Be aware of the surroundings:
Being aware of your surroundings especially when you are at a public place would always help you keep a check on any suspicious activity that might be going on and would keep you and your stuff safe from any mishap. Always leave your mobile phones at home before going to a crowded place or ensure their security.
- Using a hands-free unit:
Using hands-free units while attending the phone calls when outside could be so much better than attending calls directly through your phone, and this would make it easier for you to safeguard your device as well. This could be the best safety measure when you want to avoid showing off the awesomeness of your mobile phone in front of bad people.
- Don’t text and walk:
Texting while walking generates huge chances of mobile snatching at local streets and supermarkets as well. Always keep your phone at the safest place that could be your pocket or purse and always make sure to take it out only when it is urgent. Looking into your phone while walking makes you oblivious to the world around you and the snatchers are good at noticing these things.
- Using anti-theft software:
There are plenty of anti-theft software options available in the market nowadays and some newly launched mobile features contain a default safety feature as well. If your mobile phone doesn’t have pre-installed anti-theft software, it’s hi-time to get one installed for yourself. The anti-theft software works as a preventive measure by sending you the whereabouts of your mobile phone in case of theft and it also sends you pictures of its surroundings once it is connected to the internet.
- Password protection:
If a snatcher manages to get your mobile phone into his hands, having it password protected is something that can stop their access to your important personal information. There are also several apps available on the app stores that are ready to be installed to protect different files in your phone containing confidential information.
Mobile phone thefts, being one of the most common crimes committed in almost every country won’t stop sooner, but following these tips before going out will leave you free from the thought of losing your mobile phone and most importantly your identity to a snatcher and will keep you at a safe place. Hope this article solves your quest!